8 posts tagged with "webdev"

Moving To Gatsby

Monday, October 24th 2022, 2:51:27 am

It’s been fun blogging with my own homebrew static blogging engine for the past year or two. Was a very lightweight way to play around with…

How To Build A Tiny Grid System with Stylus

Monday, October 24th 2022, 2:51:27 am

Background Since I moved my site/blog/etc over to this static, micro-site a while back, I haven’t given it much ❤️ codewise. There are a lot…

Moving Back To Github Pages (or Static Hosting Saga 3)

Monday, October 24th 2022, 2:51:27 am

A while back, I made a big deal about moving this site to Cloudflare and using HTTPS. Well now that Github Pages supports HTTPS for custom…

Simple HTTPS Setup S3 + CloudFlare

Monday, October 24th 2022, 2:51:27 am

After a bit more investigation yesterday, I realized that github pages forces my website headers to always be 30x. This is not ideal…

Static Hosting Updates 1

Monday, October 24th 2022, 2:51:27 am

So during this past Thanksgiving holiday, about the only time of year I sit down and work on personal projects these days, I went to go…

Google Publisher Tags and React Playing in Harmony

Monday, October 24th 2022, 2:51:27 am

Doing Google Publisher Tags the React Way For all the wonders Webpack and Babel have brought to Front-End JavaScript, the modern, modular…

Making a Markdown Blog Using Webpack

Monday, October 24th 2022, 2:51:27 am

A Brief Background When I started working on this site, my first hunch was to use that classic static website builder, Jekyll. It’s…

A New Way of Blogging

Monday, October 24th 2022, 2:51:27 am

It’s been a while since I wrote a blog post. Why? Well on the one hand, I’ve had a shortage of free time. On the other, I’ve spent way too…

Omar Delarosa avatar

Written by Omar Delarosa who lives in Brooklyn and builds things using computers.

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