Discovered Gem - Pipe Dream

Saturday, February 25th 2017, 6:45:48 pm

My primary mode of listening to music these days is Spotify’s Discovered Weekly. Although I’ve historically prefered “manually curated” music recommendation ala Pitchfork, Noisey, Brooklyn Vegan, etc., I haven’t had as much time as I used to for reading those sites.

Anyway, this will be the first of my Discovered Gems post that attempts to keep track of greak music I’ve discovered via programmatic playlists (ala Discover Weekly). The first song I care to share in this vain is:

“Pipe Dream” by Kyle Duke & The Brown Bag Boys

As a great, woozy, hazy, quasi-lo-fi rock track, it’s right up the alley of anyone who loves Real Estate or Mac DeMarco (like this guy). The lyrics are also circular, simple and sparse. A song that tries without trying.

Omar Delarosa avatar

Written by Omar Delarosa who lives in Brooklyn and builds things using computers.

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